Many teachers participate in professional development to improve themselves in different areas. They work on improving classroom management abilities. It is common to face problems in managing the class. Professional development show new strategies and techniques to lead with this problem. Through professional development, teachers learn different ways of teaching. They are able to go back to the classroom and make changes to their lecture styles and curricula to better suit the needs of their students. In addition, teacher work on developing language. Language skills improve in terms of vocabulary, grammar and writing. That neither teacher nor students also benefit from professional development. Student learning and achievement increase when educators engage in effective professional development. The teachers can evaluate the effectiveness of the professional development process through their own students.
Teacher to improve themselves must design a professional development plan. This plan contains sustaining, designing, promoting, delivering and evaluating. First, identify your specific career goals. Second, identify what professional skills you already have and which you need to work on. Then, choose how you will accomplish your goals and develop a timeline for accomplishing your specific targets and goals. Finally, evaluate your plan and measure your progress. All teachers should be actively working on their professional development. Making time for your own development may be a challenge.